Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"The Deck"

One of my favorite words for life is "deck" (some "terra firma") a solid place that is mostly situational.

I remind you about the greatness of the word by showing you that by adding verbs, prepositions, etc., you can create whole new visual environments. For example, on deck, off deck, or get off the deck, or hit the deck, or I'll deck you!!!

John Wayne hit the deck a lot, so did Rocky B, and most recently as Vince Papale, and Irish Mickey Ward, Marky Mark hit the deck continuously.

OK, so do you really wanna be on the deck or would you rather be -Lets say-getting up from the deck. All of these proverbial and thought provoking conundrums of the mind could go on forever...so lets cut to the chase.

On Thursday late afternoon and evening , Zero Plus 3, I hit the deck three times...remembering mostly the sounds of battle (and one time ---but I'm not sure--so don't quote me on this....someone saying..don't hit him in the head...)

T made some remarkable slash and dashes to protect me (some that would have made Eli's Expensive but worthless RL Tackles envious). Dr. Pallera's look of horror (as we explained that ---no doc we didn't hit any walls, or solid objects, just the deck!) convinced me that outpatient stem cell care might be in its infancy or just not for me. So we checked me into to BMHE while the immune-suppression docs, nurses, and staff and all of my caretakers wait with me for stem cell grafting day. Believe me it's not easy here, but you don't need to focus on my stay. After all, I've been on deck 2 (NO NOT A PLEA FOR VISITORS...I HAVE NO IMMUNE SYSTEM)for almost a week, haven't hit any decks, nor have I decked anyone.......


  1. Dr. C.,

    Thought of your saying "life is a beach".
    Just returned from 4 days at the beach
    with my 3 lovely granddaughters and
    it was "fun"tastic!!!

    Glad that you are staying on "deck" and
    praying that soon you will be up and
    running on "deck".

    Take care and keep smiling :)

    Tell Tracy hello.


  2. I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now.

    Henry David Thoreau

  3. hi rob, you are my hero. fantastic,just like rocky. hang in there. we are all storming the heavens and have enough connections,right. love you. the grand old matriarch...patricia
