Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do Baby Stem Cells have a GPS?

In a few days they will put my baby stem cells into my bloodstream and they need to find their way to my bone marrow....sounds Disneyish, science its true!!!! Its called a bone marrow transplant or a stem cell transplant.

So now I want to tell you exciting news...somewhat terrifying and I have great trepidation about the event and have put it off for a while....however now I must deal with it.
I have been cancer free for a while after they removed the polyps in my colon (in Dec)and chemo'd me with great tenacity for four months. During this "free" time, they took my stem cells (5.5 million to be exact) -not without some interesting stories-like almost bleeding out in bed from a dislodged Vascat --but that's another story of many stories during this chemo period.

After much soul searching on my part, my physician (who is pushing the time frame) and I have decided to begin the transplant process this Monday-April 4th. I will get six days of very very intense chemo, then as my numbers go down (white cell count to 0), I will probably receive the stem cells sometime Monday, of the next week and hope they have a GPS to find their way into my bone marrow.

It will be an interesting recovery period where they tell me I can't teach from home----so, they tell told me this many times and I beat their odds and did it. This time may be different-I don't like the Ominous I will see. If I cannot teach from home (yes this procedure is all outpatient-another story of trepidation) my classes will be covered by my colleagues when I cannot teach...Thanks for (to coin an often abused cliche) Cosenza Nation-love you guys. I'm glad its close to the end of the semester.

I should be functioning (Don't know what this means yet) well (my prognosis) -and I have been right before, by the end of April or Beginning of May - IF all goes well. I should be full functional in a few months (again my positive attitude).

I will try hard to keep anyone interested in the process or my recovery by writing daily in this come back often.
So please pray it does.

PS: Notice to all.....You might see some gibberish in the blog-because of chemo bear with me...look for the essence!!!


  1. Best of luck to ya Dr Cosenza. I've got no doubt that you'll be more than able to continue teaching. I'll say some prayers for ya.

  2. My church and I are praying for you Dr. Cosenza!

  3. You have never seen a fighter until you see someone who has fought cancer. Many prayers your way, and I would like to give you a quote that has helped me many times. "Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul."-Jim Valvano

  4. I posted yesterday, but I don't see it. So, I'll do it again. We're praying for you. I know you'll come out of it well. Class went well today except for the tornado warning that sent us to the basement. I think the students are anxious to have you back. I tried to do poorly, so they would appreciate you.
    Look forward to hearing more on your blog.
    All the best,

  5. hey Dr. Cosenza.....this is noah billingsley i was just going to tell you that im thinkin of you and also praying for your return to good health. i have always enjoyed you and your classes and i was sad to hear that you wouldnt be back at class. Hopefully i will see you before graduation but if not (because your just not there at the school) i wanted to say that i have learned alot from your classes and i hope all the best to you in the future dr. c.......thanks for everything...stay strong...noah b

  6. Hi Cousin,
    Just checked my e mail and saw your invite to the blog. Thanks for the update, we are all concerned here at the jersey shore.
    I'm planning on that visit to see you when this procedure is complete so keep me posted.
    Stay strong,

  7. Hey Robert,
    It took 35 years of being "related" to you, to realize how funny you can be. A sense of humor,mixed with some trepidation and the well-wishes of those that care about you, makes for good soul medicine. Take as needed.....
    My ankle tattoo is the Chinese symbol for strength (really); I give it a little rub, when I need strength, and want to send it on to others. Did you just feel that? Hang in there.
    Your cousin-in-law, Jan
